Pricing & Terms

mFunnel Customer Acquisition

Start with ₹.10,000 + GST
  • Pay Only for 100% Exclusive, Genuine & Connected Leads
  • Once a Lead is Billed to You, They Are NEVER Shared with Anyone
  • Get More Customers and Incremental Business
  • Our System Auto Dials Using State-of-Art Cloud Telephony
  • You can rate and ask for a replacement* for a lead that is not Genuine
  • Leads are Generated Using AI Platform that connects automatically to Google, Meta, LinkedIn, Taboola, Pintrest n More..
  • No Need of Website or Social Presence
  • We generate leads using own landing pages, ad copies & content.
  • Leads are carefully screened and validated before it reaches you.
  • Start receiving leads on your WhatsApp in ~ 3 working days.

Here's how it Works:

➤ Share details of your Business
➤ Tell us about the type of customers you want as leads
➤ We'll share the Cost Per Lead (CPL) with you
➤ Cost Per Lead (CPL), depends on
      ♦ Industry
      ♦ Competition
      ♦ Cities to target
➤ Subscribe by adding funds to your wallet
➤ Expect leads in 4-5 working days
➤ Wallet balance goes down for each lead at the agreed CPL.
➤ Request replacement for invalid leads (if any)

Terms & Conditions Details

Definition of Valid Lead

➤ Lead is genuine and seeking the service you provide example, interior designing services.
➤ When 1st contact is established and you speak to lead over the call.
➤ Lead is from your specified geography.
➤ All our leads would be In-market i.e. they are looking for the services you are providing, however we do not guarantee conversions, our estimate says 1 in 5 leads will ask you to come for a site visit. After that conversion depends on your sales skills.
➤ Lead is contactable within 3 attempts

Definition of Invalid Lead

➤ Lead is seeking service not specified by you.
➤ Lead is not contactable i.e. is not answering calls after you try at least 10 times in 7 days.
➤ Lead seeks service outside specified geography.
➤ Lead is job-seeking or soliciting contracts, etc.

Example of Invalid Lead
Interior Designer signs up for Bangalore residential interiors
➤ Invalid, if lead seeks restaurant interiors
➤ Invalid, if the lead is for apartment interiors in Mysore.
➤ Invalid, if initial contact isn't established within 10 attempts.
➤ Invalid, lead says they are looking for a Job or Some Collaboration with you to sell their products.

Lead Replacement

➤ Raise "Replace Lead" request within 4 hours of lead receipt on
➤ mFunnel's Quality team will review your request's validity.
➤ Replacements will be provided for all legitimate requests.
➤ On replacements, decision of mFunnel Quality team is final.

What Cannot be Replaced

➤ If you contact a lead once and then they stop responding due to any reasons like...
➤ Your Price Is High or Low.
➤ They found a better deal elsewhere
➤ They cancelled the appointment.
➤ They become cold after speaking to you for any other reason.
➤ If they take a quotation / Estimate then they stop responding.
➤ A customer asked for advice to complete a project related to a service you offer.
➤ A customer was researching potential projects or prices related to a service you offer.
➤ You generally service an area or provide a service, but are temporarily unable or unwilling to provide these services for any reasons like time constraints etc.
➤ A lead was received outside of your business hours.

Refund and Cancellation

➤ You can cancel your subscription at any time.
➤ Refund amount will be the Wallet balance at the end of the cancellation day.
➤ We will issue refund within 7 working days
➤ Refund will be issued to your original payment source.


➤ mFunnel can terminate your subscription with 24 hour notice.
➤ Common reason for termination is making too many invalid replacement requests
➤ Upon termination, the refund amount will be your wallet balance, minus the value of valid leads.
➤ Refund will be issued to your original payment source with 7 working days.


All disputes of whatever nature between mFunnel and the subscriber shall be filed in and settled exclusively by the Courts in Mumbai alone.

Ready to try?

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